The Star Margarine

Getting into Grade 5 is exciting. You have an excuse to miss your class' first subject to help out in preparing the NUTRIBUNS.

This is the all time favorite. Star Margarine, mixed with sugar are spread on those thick buns. Lucky for the first batch, they'll have their nutribuns with thicker spread, almost dripping if you squeeze the buns.. But after spreading almost a thousand buns with only 5 canisters of Star Margarine, and tired hands from cutting those hard as rock bread, the last batches will just have a splash of yellow from that creamy margarine and sprinkle of sugar.

And as D would say, thanks to star margarine and nutribun, for it helped us grew this tall and gorgeous :) Though, I myself did not each much nutribun then, I'll probably be 5'10" if I did.

Ludy's Peanut Butter

I only eat Nutribun if it has peanut butter, and it's not just peanut butter-- it's Ludy's. Those cheaper versions of Skipees in wet markets and groceries that comes in glasses with floral designs in red and yellow and sealed with red electric tape ( growing up in the province, means having a few of this glasses in your cupboards, but are not meant to be used for guests--well at least in our household)

At Grade 5, the 'lucky ones' (girls like me who gets excuse to the 1st class to help prepare the buns), sometimes have  peanut butter aside from Star Margarine to spread on nutribuns. And being the 'lucky ones,' we can choose to assign those buns to our class, well at least get some options in terms of spread, since we don't have a choice but to buy those.